Dear Everyone,
If you have ever wanted to know some things that go on in my mind heeeere is a scattered cluster of thoughts that happened upon my noggin and I TODAY! :)
"don't ever donate underwear to goodwill ewww if anyone is ever in such need of underwear that they will buy used underwear, please just call me i will buy you a fresh pack from dollar g!"
"i don't care what anyone says, i like lil wayne"
"why is lettuce so hard to SWEEP!"
"i wonder if my upstairs neighbor is really fat"
"i wonder if he would tell on me if i left a note on his door that said 'FE.. FI.. FO.. FUM.. YOU'RE REALLY LOUD IN THE MORNING AND I CAN'T FREAKING SLEEP!' "
"i need to get a freaking laundry basket in my bedroom"
"i wonder what would happen if i was a stripper"
"i want to be in college RIGHT NOW because everyone is going to graduate and there won't be any cool people left and i'll be in it all alone!"
"SOOOO BUSYYYY how could i ever ever add kids to this mix at this age!? how do people do it?!"
"i wonder if people are drawn to me so quickly and passionately like i am to them"
"what if i was an alcoholic"
"what if i could make EVERYONE happy!!! :)"
"what if technology didn't exist and we were just like the yawanawa tribe in south america!"
"what if we didn't have to wear clothes?!"
"i want a cat.."
"can i take care of a cat???"
"i need to clean my apartment in case someone ever comes over!"
"how in the world am i never everrrr sleepy??? i don't sleep!"
Okay okay you've seen enough! Woah I was starting to feel a little exposed. Anyway, I'm feeling really hyper, I don't know if you could tell. I don't know how in the hell it's possible... I'm running off like 4 hours of sleep and a million zillion hours of work! I can't wind down!!!
In other news, I'm taking my state board exam THURSDAY! Be excited!! And things are looking up at work at the salon.. not that they were ever looking down *cough* but they are definitely UP! :) yay. I think the quote of my life is "If you're happy, I'm happy." I feed off of everyone elses emotions. That's a deeper subject that I shall get into next time maybe. Unless I feel like writing about something else. :)
-the fickle chicken.
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