You showered, you shaved your legs, you washed your hair, you washed your clothes, you cleaned your house, you went on a guilt trip for simply the thought that you would be leaving the cat home alone over night, you listened to upbeat music, you threw on some make-up, you put on a bra, you ate something healthy for once, you were going to go out for once, you were giddy, you were pumped, you were ready, you were... let down.
"Can we move our plans to tomorrow?"
Put the hair back into a ponytail, throw on your favorite dirty sweater that you wear everyday, pet the cat and let him know you're not leaving him, turn on the same comforting music you listen to everyday, wash your face, take off your bra, go to taco cabana, lie down on the couch, cover up with your blanket, turn on the same movie you watch every night, go to sleep alone.
One day. One of these days. One of these one days. Some day, my friend.
Stay fickle get me out of this pickle,
-the fickle chicken.
I love you!! Loved reading this! Hope your pussy has calm down, lol. Don't get distraught, he will come around eventually, I hope. Have a great day dear! Te amo mucho!! <3