
why is that fork in the road?

(currently listening to: my mom's snoring.)

Hey again pals and pallets!
I am offering more frustration than inspiration this go around. I promise I'll be back to myself after I get it out of my system. Hang in there, babes.

Yes. I'm coming upon a road block. Which happens to be a giant fork. Also known as a fork in the road.

I've been thinking too much! With school nearing it's end, and my heart still in a bazillion pieces, I'm wondering what I should do. Try to get a great career where I have zero time to mess with relationships, or find a career that I love, but still have time to find someone GREAT to settle down with and get a relationship going.

I think I need to be rational. I keep forgetting that I'm 19, not 29, and that love can happen anywhere. My career should be my focus, I need to keep painting and sewing to keep my mind off of my love life, and I need to stop trying to rush things that will probably happen when the age on my driver's license catches up to the age in my mind.

I need to meet new people! Does anyone have any suggestions on where I might find these people? The dance studio I'm taking ballet classes at also offers modern classes, which involves a drummer coming in to play the bongos for the dancers to dance to. One fine hunk of drummer walked down the hall while I was waiting outside of my studio for class to start. The whole event inspired me to possibly take a modern class.  I also like arts and crafts, music, coffee, dancing, and talking. I suppose I'm off to find some more classes to take!

Also, I'm looking for a new part time job! I'm ready to go to a place where I can be myself! The restaurant I'm working at now is so the opposite of Austin-esque and I'm just ready to have a purple mullet and a sleeve of tattoos. Okay, a tad extreme maybe, but true to a certain point. I feel like I have to hide who I really am at that place! I'm a strange cookie, oookay? Closed-mindedness is not my style. I'm not a brown hair blend-in-with-the-norm kind of girl. So tired of these "be-someone-you're-not" policies. No, really, that's what the policy book says! Kidding, of course. But really.

Anyway, I'm just ranting at this point. I must sleep. Maybe we (as in I) will have some of these forks figured out by next time!

Until then...

you wear that with confidence, girl.
not quite this cut, but you get it.
google didn't quite understand what i meant when i said "chicken feathers hair cut"


-the fickle chicken.

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