
what the heck is that.

(currently listening to: that "flat line" tone you hear when people die going on and onnn in my head)

Dear readers,

How do you STOP looking for love? Everyone say I should stop looking for it and it will find me. That's a dumb idea. It sounds so impossible. I just want to know how. Does anyone know? If love is going to somehow magically "find" me, then doesn't that mean someone else is looking??


-the fickle chicken in distress.


  1. today i gave my number to a waiter at abuelos and we've been getting along pretty great. i also went on a blind date at spiderhouse the other day! what a cutie that guy was. :) maybe love is everywhere.

  2. Do not wait for love to come to you pursue it!What works for one person does not for others.I believe love is a great place to be really hurt so what!Pain buids character.I believe we should pursue, love, date, meet, love, lose, win, basically experience life to the fullest. It is the pursuit of happiness that makes life great!
